Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The drive to and from work is becoming longer and longer....I don't know if it's because the whole experience is no longer fresh and therefore more bothersome, or if there are genuinely more cars on the road every day. ITS KILLING ME. It's really unfortunate because I enjoy my job, but dread the drive home more than anything else. I think it's worse because I have to stare at the sun the whole way, which I think would be exhausting under any circumstances, but is made worse by the fact that it takes me an hour and a half to get home everyday. Then, if I'm feeling motivated, I drag my carcass to the gym where the other day a woman who is LITERALLY no younger than seventy kicked my ass by RUNNING 7.5 on the treadmill next to me while i WALKED. 
In between drives, I actually do some work, which is both rewarding and incredibly frustrating. I sometimes find myself working on projects that really seem to have no true solution, a situation which is aggravated by cultural circumstances. Sometimes, the solution to a problem is staring everyone in the face, but we can't actually do anything about it because the client won't go for it. Why? because it doesn't fall in line cultural norms. In my head I chalk it up to stubbornness, to chauvinism, to a million other factors that I understand on a basic level but can't bring myself to accept. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day, and she made the point that a lot of cultural and religious practices exist for a specific reason- to ensure survival. But as things change, those mechanisms aren't necessarily purposeful anymore. In my mind, they should be cut away, but people hold on to them anyways, to the point of impracticality. And I know that It's not my place to tell someone what to do and what not to do. But in this case, it would make my life SO MUCH EASIER! But I know that the only thing I can do is really learn to accept their choices even if it makes my job harder, as long as the people involved aren't completely blind to reality. It's always been easy for me to advocate for widespread personal choice and freedom when it made my life easier. I suppose now, when it means that I'll be staring at a computer screen for hours trying to find a unique solution to a not- so-unique problem, It actually means something to me. 

If you need to reach me, my new address is 
Silver Honda Civic
Interstate- 5 fwy
Los Angeles, CA

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